What surviving a pandemic has taught me as an interior designer…

After spending the last two years or so “stuck” at home, I’ve realized that I value my home now more than ever. It’s not just a place of rest for me anymore–it’s where I spend the majority of my time. And because of that it’s caused me to brainstorm how I can create a more intentional living space, not only for myself, but for my clients. 

If you’ve noticed this too, here are 5 ways to create a more intentional home:

Focus on functionality and comfort

Now that we’re all spending WAY more time at home than we used to, it’s important that we focus on creating a home that not only looks nice, but is functional enough to support our lifestyles as well. How have your needs changed since the pandemic, and how can you rearrange some things in your home to meet them? It’s helpful to think of new problems you’ve encountered while being stuck at home if you’re unsure where to begin. 

Have you been doing your regular workout routine at home? Do you need more space to do that? 

Have you transitioned from working at an office to working from home? Do you need a more defined workspace that helps you with that transition? One that allows you to be more productive amidst all the distractions that can be found at home? 

Do you have children that are attending school virtually? Do they need their own designated space that is calm and quiet so they are able to focus? What would their optimal learning environment look like? 

These are just a few things to consider when approaching a more functional layout/design for your home. I would encourage you to spend some time processing specific hiccups you’ve encountered at home, and what would help you function with more ease. 

Bring it back to basics 

In my experience, when it comes to design, less is more. Be very intentional about what you choose to put in your home. If you don’t absolutely LOVE IT don’t buy it just to take up space. Make sure that what’s inside those walls are items that you will use consistently/on a daily basis, make you happy, and help create your ultimate sanctuary. Leave everything else at the door. 

Be authentic

If you think about it, homes are very personal. They are filled with our memories, souvenirs from places we’ve traveled to, art that inspires us, books that have moved us–really everything that we love.

They are also the backdrop to some of the more intimate moments of our lives. They’re where we sleep, dream about our future, journal/process our thoughts, and spend quality time with our loved ones. 

If you think about it this way, they should be an extension of ourselves, right? A place where we can express the most authentic version of ourselves and feel safe. So, how exactly do we do that? 

Here are a few tips: 

  • Choose items that are special to you, that accurately tell your story

  • Display keepsakes or souvenirs from a special time or place in places where you’ll see them

  • Hang up your favorite photos that capture your fondest memories, as well as artwork that is meaningful to you or that inspires you in some way. 

  • Create fun textures with textiles like cushions, rugs, or wall hangings

  • Bring a touch of nature indoors by introducing houseplants to your space

  • Use the colors you love that reflect your personality + flair

Pin down a style

Browsing Pinterest can be a little overwhelming at times, let’s be real! With all the images that are out there, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what your design style is. Luckily there are some handy dandy online quizzes (thank you internet) that can help you narrow things down!

Try this short quiz from Havenly or,

This quiz from PopSugar that helps you pinpoint your style by asking questions about how you want your home to feel and what you’re hoping to achieve within that space.

Exploring what design styles you gravitate toward can be a really fun process, so, try not to sweat it and trust your gut! Don’t box yourself in either. Just focus on what makes you light up inside and follow that. 


If you’re anything like me, you probably have a collection of stuff you don’t need or use anymore that is just collecting dust and taking up valuable space in your home. I know going through all of your belongings can feel overwhelming, but you’d be amazed at how much better you’ll feel once you clear out some of the clutter. 

Not only do these things take up space in your home, they also take up space in your mind, making you feel more cluttered and disorganized inside. More often than not, if your home feels cluttered and chaotic, so will you. If you’re the type of person who is heavily affected by your environment, this might be a great project to tackle in your spare time. It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to do it all in one sitting. You can take it one dresser drawer at a time if you need to–there are no rules here. Whatever is most manageable for you, do that. 

Before you know it, you’ll have a lot more space freed up for things that actually do bring you joy. Who knows? You might even have enough room to create that office space you’ve been wanting, or the art studio you’ve been dreaming about. 

Bottom Line? Clear out the old to make room for the new. 

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